Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Empowering Teachers! Empowering Students!

Session 2-Book Study

What Great Teachers Do Differently

by: Todd Whitaker

Reading Assignment: Chapter 3, pages 15- 20

Assignment: Read the chapter pages and comment on the questions below.

1. Every teacher is responsible for classroom management. What

strategies have you found to be most effective in setting the tone

for a positive classroom environment for your students?

2. Discuss a time when students met your expectations regarding classroom behavior. How did that impact the learning environment?

Empowering Teachers! Empowering Students

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Session 2-Book Study

Inviting Students to Learn; 100 Tips for Talking
Effectively With Your Students by Jenny Edwards

Reading Assignment: Chapter 5, pages 46-68

Assignment: Read the overview for the assigned reading below and comment on the question that follows.

Chapter 5 contains 100 tips for talking with students. It's important to acknowledge your students' current experiences and challenges.

1. There's a statement that says..."It's not what you say but how you say

it!" Discuss some powerful words, phrases and/or statements that

encourage, influence and help build positive relationships with our


2. Identify at least three words, phrases and/or statements you use with

your students to resolve conflict. Were they effective? Why or Why not?